In Short
Nathaly Cuevas is 21 years old. Nathaly Cuevas’ birthday is on August 29, 2003, making her current age 21 as of September 18, 2024.
Age and birthday details
- Current age: Nathaly Cuevas is 21 years old as of September 18, 2024
- Date of birth: Nathaly Cuevas’ birthday is on August 29, 2003
- Zodiac sign: Virgo
Physical characteristics
- Height: 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m)
- Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)
Career milestones
- YouTube start: Nathaly Cuevas, now 21 years old, started her YouTube journey on February 15, 2019
- First video: Her first YouTube video was a GRWM (Get Ready With Me) vlog titled “a rainy valentine’s day without a valentine”
- Instagram milestone: Reached 700K Instagram subscribers in August 2021, two years before her 21st birthday
Current YouTube statistics
- Subscribers: As of September 2024, Nathaly Cuevas, at 21 years of age, has 1.26 million subscribers on YouTube
- Total views: Her channel has accumulated 252,234,281 views
- Video counts: She has uploaded a total of 584 videos
Content and earnings
- Content focus: Nathaly’s channel, which she started before turning 21, is categorized as a People & Blogs channel, focusing on a personal vlog style
- Estimated earnings: At her current age of 21, she likely earns between $11,000 and $16,000 per month from YouTube ad revenue
How old is Nathaly Cuevas?
Nathaly Cuevas is 21 years old as of September 18, 2024.
When is Nathaly Cuevas’ birthday?
Nathaly Cuevas’ birthday is on August 29, 2003.
What is Nathaly Cuevas’ age when she started her YouTube channel?
Nathaly Cuevas started her YouTube channel on February 15, 2019, when she was 15 years old.
How old was Nathaly Cuevas when she reached 700K Instagram subscribers?
Nathaly Cuevas reached 700K Instagram subscribers in August 2021, when she was 18 years old.
What is Nathaly Cuevas’ age compared to her YouTube success?
At 21 years old, Nathaly Cuevas has achieved significant success on YouTube with 1.26 million subscribers and over 252 million views.