The “what if we kiss” meme features funny kissing scenarios in unexpected kissing meme locations. It typically uses blushing emojis and Impact Font text over an image, often featuring pop culture references or absurd settings for humorous “what if we kiss” situations. This meme format creates a comedic effect by imagining unlikely or inappropriate locations for a romantic encounter.
Origin and spread of the “let’s kiss” meme
- Initial appearance: The “let’s kiss” meme originated from a fried image posted to the Me_IRL subreddit on September 15, 2018
- Viral spread: The kissing meme gained popularity on Twitter, Tumblrand Instagram in late March 2019
- Cross-platform popularity: The “let’s kiss” meme spread across various social media platforms, including Tik Tokthroughout 2019
Format and characteristics of the “let’s kiss” meme
Template structure:
- Cliché sentence template suggesting funny kissing scenarios and locations
- Uses blushing emojis and covering monkey emoji eyes
- Often includes an image of the proposed location for the kissing meme
- Text usually in Impact font
Content themes:
- Imagines “what if we kiss” scenarios in mundane, beautifulor absurd locations
- Often includes references to popular culture, video gamesor meme-worthy environments for kissing scenarios
- Combines serious desire with surreal humor in the “what if we kiss” format
Tone and style:
- Ironic and meta addresses romantic scenarios in the “what if we kiss” meme
- Sales cringe and humor in funny kissing scenarios
- Part of the broader genre of online flirting through the spread of memes
Popular examples and variations of kissing meme locations
Notable locations for “and” scenarios “if we kissed” :
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Panopticon
- Classroom of the Society of Dead Poets
- Fortnite Battle Bus
- Penguin Club (for a nostalgic call)
Unusual settings for fun kissing scenarios:
- Eiffel Tower made of spoons
- Hot Air Balloon Pizza
- High voltage box
“What if we kissed”: effectiveness and appeal of the meme
Engagement Factors:
- Low cost to create and share “What if we kissed” memes
- High engagement potential due to humor and relativity of kissing meme locations
- Draw from collective consciousness And digital folklore with fun kissing scenarios
Emotional impact:
- Sparks stronger emotional responsesmaking “what if we kissed” memes more shareable
- Can resonate with niches or experiences through places of kissing memes
- Short-lived nature of “what if we kissed” memes
- Potential for offend some groups with sarcastic humor in funny kissing scenarios
What is the “How about we kiss” meme?
The “What if we kiss” meme is a popular internet trend that features humorous kissing scenarios in unexpected places. He typically uses blushing emojis and Impact font text over an image, often featuring pop culture references or absurd settings for comedic effect.
Where does the “What if we kissed” meme come from?
The meme originates from a fried image posted to the Me_IRL subreddit on September 15, 2018. It gained popularity on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram in late March 2019, then spread to other platforms like TikTok.
What are some popular places for kissing memes?
Popular kissing locations include the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Panopticon, Dead Poet’s Society Classroom, Fortnite Battle Bus, and Club Penguin. Quirky settings like the DMV, the Eiffel Tower made of spoons, hot air balloon pizza, and high voltage boxes are also used for fun kissing scenarios.
How to create a “What if we kissed” meme?
To create a “How about we kiss” meme, use the cliché sentence template suggesting a fun kissing scenario, add blushing emojis, include an image of the proposed kissing location, and use the Impact font for the text. Combine heartfelt nostalgia with surreal humor for maximum effect.
Why are “What if we kissed” memes so popular?
“What if we kissed” memes are popular due to their low cost of creation and sharing, high engagement potential, and ability to tap into the collective consciousness. They elicit stronger emotional responses through humor and relatability, making them highly shareable across various social media platforms.