How to clear Mario Kart 7 data on 3DS?
You can clear your save data by holding + + + simultaneously after launching the software when the Mario Kart 7 logo appears.
How to delete old Pokemon games on DS?
To delete your saved game, go to the title screen and press Up, SELECT and the B button on the D-Pad at the same time. Once your backed up data is deleted, it CANNOT be recovered. Be careful when deleting your saved data. (All Pokémon and items will be deleted.)
How do I delete a saved game on Nintendo DS?
Follow these steps
How do I delete my Pokemon White game?
To do this, go to the game’s main screen (where it will display the legend and ask you to press Start) and press Up, Select and B at the same time. This will bring up some menu options that you can use to remove your game.
How to erase a Nintendo DS?
How to format system storage
How to delete your personal Mii on 3DS?
Note: This is the only Mii you can modify – you can modify your personal Mii, but you cannot delete it or exchange it for another Mii you have created. (Actually, it notifies you when you create them, as well as in the manual.)
How do I change my Mii in the 3ds friends list?
Follow these steps
How to create a Mii on DS?
How to create a Mii