The Whitaker family is of British descent and lives in extremely neglected conditions. The family includes Lorraine, Ray, Timmy, only cousin Freddie and an unknown sister.
The Whitaker family rose to fame after Mark Laita photographed them for his 2004 book “Created Equally,” and their fame grew when he returned to them in 2020 to record a video of them. The Whitaker family is considered the most notorious inbred family in Odd, West Virginia.
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ToggleWho is the Whittaker family?
The Whittaker family includes Lorraine, Ray, Timmy, only cousin Freddie and an unknown sister. On the other hand, Freddie died of a heart attack a few years ago and is no longer a member of Whitaker. The Whitaker family gained international fame thanks to Mark Laita, who documented them in his book Created Equally (2004).
Mark Laita revisited the Whitaker family in 2020 to record a video showing the horrors of inbreeding, which garnered more dislikes than likes, but went viral with over 25 million views.
The Whittaker family members, Lorraine, Ray and Timmy, suffer from undiagnosed mental illness, particularly Ray, who only grunts, they live in extremely poor conditions and have little to survive on. Mark Laita had to visit them four times and give them financial gifts, including money, food and clothing, to get them to talk.
According to Mark Laita, “The people in this video are siblings, except for Timmy, who is a cousin.” I can’t confirm that the Whitaker parents were related, but given that in this part In the Country and the Whitakers are the most extreme case I’ve seen so far, I would bet that inbreeding was at least in party responsible for the mental and physical abnormalities observed in Lorraine, Freddie, Ray and Timmy.
Inbred children are reported to be at higher risk of recessive genetic disorders, and inbred offspring have been found to suffer from reduced cognitive impairment, lung dysfunction, heart disease, and are susceptible to other diseases.
So it is reasonable to assume that this is the case for the Whitaker family, as inbreeding is rampant in parts of West Virginia and the way they are protected by their neighbors could be a possible cause, as it has significant consequences on inbreeding.
Is the Whittaker family inbred?
The Whitakers family is one of the most famous inbred families in the United States of America. The siblings are believed to suffer from mental and physical disorders, possibly linked to inbreeding.
Although the Whitaker family is extremely mysterious and no one knows where they come from or who their parents are, one thing is clear: they are inbred as they show signs of inbreeding.
Inbred children are reported to be at higher risk of recessive genetic disorders, and inbred offspring have been found to suffer from reduced cognitive impairment, lung dysfunction, heart disease, and are susceptible to other diseases.
So it is reasonable to assume that this is the case for the Whitaker family, as inbreeding is rampant in parts of West Virginia and the way they are protected by their neighbors could be a possible cause, as it has significant consequences on inbreeding.
Where does the Whitaker family live?
The Whitakers live in Odd, a small rural town in West Virginia. Odd is a rural, unincorporated hamlet in Raleigh County, West Virginia, United States. It is located on Tommy Creek. There is only one post office and small houses are scattered throughout the surrounding streets.
The Whitaker family tree
The Whitakers currently consist of three siblings and a cousin named Ray, Lorraine, Timmy, Freddie and an unnamed sister. However, it appears that several other family members have not been contacted. According to current records, his parents were cousins and not brother and sister as previously believed.
What are the Whitakers famous for?
The Whitakers family is arguably one of the most famous inbred families in Odd, West Virginia. She rose to fame after Mark Laita photographed her for his 2004 book Created Equal.
How are the Whitakers related?
Whitakers are genetically and biologically related to each other. Clara married her first cousin Roy Whitaker in 1925. Their son Paul was born in 1927 and he married his first cousin Elsie in 1953. Paul and Elsie had six children: David, Susan, Martha, Richard, Mary Anne and Stephen. Today, the Whitaker family tree remains extensive and most of the original branches remain intact.
What is the cause of Whitaker’s predicament?
Inbreeding is believed to be the possible cause of Whittaker’s undiagnosed developmental issues, as all members of the family show signs of inbreeding.
The neighbors and the Whitaker family?
The Whitaker family’s neighbors are very protective of them because they do not easily allow people who visit to take photos or videos of them for other purposes.
Where can I watch the Whitaker family documentary?
The documentary is available on Amazon Prime Video and you can also watch part of it on YouTube.